Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday's Fabulous Finds - Signs of Spring

This week, you can tell I have two things on the brain: the coming of spring, and the color aqua. So, in celebration of both, I bring you this collection from Etsy. Grab a cup of tea, and possibly your credit card, because these delightful finds just might call your name. As always, I only list artists whom I feel have entire shops worth of fabulous finds, so be sure to browse through everything else these artists sell. (And a warm welcome to Claudia's readers from The Paris Apartment!) Enjoy, everyone, and happy Friday!
"Seeds of Freedom" print by vol.25
"Proud" original illustration by vol.25

I love this "Seeds of Freedom" print by vol.25. This shop has been in my favorites for quite some time, so I'm happy to get to feautre them now! I typically try to feature artwork that is not only pleasing to the eye, but quite affordable as well. That being said, if you would like to splurge a little, I included this original illustration by vol.25 entitled "Proud" because it's breathtaking and I just couldn't resist. "Glowing Pod" vintage fabric pillow cover

I really like all the fun vintage pillow covers that Absoluut makes, and am especially drawn to this one for its color palette. What better way to "go green" and also have a one-of-a-kind accessory than to use a throw pillow handmade with vintage fabric? If you need more than one or a custom size, just inquire and they'll be able to work with you.

"Invocations of Spring" fine art photographic print by Irene Suchoki
"Spring Magnolia" fine art photographic print by Irene Suchoki
I fell in love with Irene Suchoki's work almost immediately upon discovering Etsy, and am excited to feature her now. Her exquisite photographic prints appear more like paintings, and they are just so artistic and dreamy. (Read her story of her work appearing on Extreme Home Makeover: Home Addition recently, too - it's fascinating!)

"Joy" dragonfly necklace by Glittery Blue

"Framework" earrings by Glittery Blue

I just discovered the shop of Glittery Blue, where vintage jewelry and objects are transformed into jewelry for today. Most of them are one-of-a-kind, and while the prices are extremely reasonable, the workmanship is beautiful. Can you believe this dragonfly necklace? (And the framework earrings don't exactly fit my "aqua" color scheme, but I just had to show them to you anyway!)

"Honeydew" print by Yellena

This dreamy print by Yellena is almost fantasy-like. It's just a celebration of color and form, and it reminds me of spring. I really haven't seen anything else like this artist's work and I like how unique and complex it is. (This would make a really fabulous textile, by the way.)

So that's it...have a fabulous weekend, friends. I'm home sick, so get out and do a little shopping or go to a movie for me, and I'll live vicariously through you! :-)


  1. Hi Courtney!

    We really are design twins, aren't we? I popped over to thank you for visiting my site and here you are discussing my all time favorite color (right now). And the etsy artists you've featured are AMAZING. Funny thing that I'm in the process of writing my inspiration post on another great photographer I found via etsy too. Thanks for the add to your blogroll, I'm adding you to mine too!

    We're even sick at the same time... lol! Drink lots of juice and try to get some rest; that's the advice I've been trying to follow, although it's hard around three kids. Take care and talk to you soon.


  2. a little might be my long-lost twin...LOVING aqua right now. (In fact, my living room is currently yellow - like yours - and I have plans to paint it a very pale aqua soon.)

  3. aww, thanks so much for the feauture, and the kind words. :) You have excellent taste, and I am most certainly going to need to add you into my blog bookmarks! :)



thank you for commenting, dahling! I can't wait to hear what you have to say. :-)