Friday, January 15, 2010

thanks for the free ticket!

I never win blog giveaways...and I've entered a few hundred or so...but my luck has changed. Did I win the $500 gift card to West Elm? Or gift card to HomeGoods? Or any other cash or frivolous prize? Nope. I won a free ticket to the A Woman Inspired Conference. It's an online conference - which I've never done before - about living an efficient and creative life with God at the center. I love it because (as you can see from my previous post) I'm in a transitional period where I'm quite desperate and more than ready to exercise my creativity again. I'm not entirely sure how it's going to work or what it's going to look like - and I suppose that's where this conference comes in. I'm actually quite excited about it because I feel like it's a little gift, just for me, at an opportune time in my life, so I have great hopes and expectations that I will find a nugget or two of inspiration that will flip my switch and turn on my dusty light bulb (a.k.a. inspiration). So a great big "thank you!" to Sandy over at The Reluctant Entertainer for offering these free tickets!

Just watch as I begin to transform before your very longer A Mom Tired....but A Woman Inspired. ;-) I'll let you all know how it goes.

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thank you for commenting, dahling! I can't wait to hear what you have to say. :-)